1. Use of the camera
Does your finished work show that you can:
Hold a shot steady?
I think that our film proves that we are fairly competent on with the camera, and that we did not show signs of camera shake.
- Frame a shot appropiately?
Yes, I believe our film shows that we can frame a shot appropiately.
Use a variety of shot types?
From assesing our film, i thnik it shows that we have used a variety of different shot types and techniques.
Use composition techniques?
- Yes, we used a few composition techniques, and i thnik our film reflects that.
2. Use of editing
Does your finished work show that you can:
- Apply the rules of continuity editing? (Do the shots flow together?)
I think that the majority of the time, the shots flow into each other. There is a few shots where it is borderline along the 180 degree line, but most of the time, yes.
- Choose appropiate editing transitions to put your shots together?
We didn't use any transitions from slide to slide, we think that our film flows into the next clip.
3. Selection of content
Does your finished work show that you can:
Choose appropiate costume, make-up and props for your film genre?
We used face make-up to add effect to the film, and tomato ketchup for blood.. I think we pulled it off fairly well, and the extra's that we used suit the film genre.
Choose appropiate locations and settings for your film genre?
Our film is largely set around horror within the home so i think we used the setting of a house to out advantage.
Choose appropiate actors for your film?
Yeah, our actress portrayed the role well.
4. Self-assessment
What did you do to help to complete the film?
My role in the film was the director. I chose the shots and directed where the camera and actors were.
What improvements could be made to the finished film?
I think if we spent more time on the film then it could've come out better. I thnik if we changed the lighting settings then we could have got a better contrast.
Is there anything that you will do differently when it comes to your final coursework film?
Yes, I will take the lighting failure into consideration.