Monday 14 March 2011

Evaluation Questions - Andrew

Part One 

Question One - For our short film, we are making a horror film, the short film is two minutes long introducing the very beginning of the film. Through researching to create our horror film, we looked at current and past films such as Paranormal Activity and Frankenstein. We also looked through various films to generate ideas in making our original idea even better. The production and preparation for our film was very organised, however, at the beginning and through weeks, we had a few problems with group member being absent and not dedicated to the course, but we have now resolved those problems and on track in creating a professional looking short film. From the original four members we had, we have now gone down to two member (Myself (Andrew) and Sam), where we worked very well together, putting ideas and experience into the course. 

Question Three  - Our film would be aimed at certificate 15+, we would aim our film at this age as we feel that the film wouldn't contain a huge amount of violence and fear for the film to be rated an 18.
To make our film more effective for the given and targeted age we would look at other horror films with certificate 15 to include and see the boundary at which we feel our film could reach.

Part 2

Question Five - I feel personally that we have targeted our audience to the correct level. Our film contains the right amount of tension for the audience and with more editing and music, the film with conclude very successfully. In our film, we made the actors seem innocent as to what was going to happen, however, it could be seen as cliche, but due to the time we have had and the ability of only two members in the group, i feel that we have succeeded very well. I also believe that the music also adds huge tension and generates the pace for the film.

Question Seven - Considering all the technologies such as blogger, iMovie and Garageband, i feel that they have all succeeded and we have used them to a huge potential especially garageband (personally). i feel that through the course, ive gained a better knowledge of how to use such technology. I feel that all the programs we have used have helped us in making our work and our project a lot better and a lot more organised which i feel is a huge part in having a good partnership and creating work together.

Question Nine -  In the beginning stages of the project, i feel that i incorporated a number of ideas and organisation into the group, i also feel that as we work well together in our group, we had great skills in knowing what we were skilled in and what we should assign each other to do. As Sam had previously used such technology as Garage-band, i asked whether it would be possible for me to develop more skills by creating the music for the film, i feel that this was a successful result as i have created a beginning tune to open the film. Through the development and creation from starting the course, i feel i have taken a 'behind the camera role' where i feel im more successful in directing and incorporating my ideas into what could make the film better and be more effective. 

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