4. Our media product represents two social groups. Firstly, children are often used because they represent the exact opposite of what a horror film stands for. Usually, the social group of children are represented as sweet and innocent, but in our horror film we represented the children as dead ghosts who haunt and murder their victims, the people who are unlucky enough to stumble upon their resting place. To represent their evil, we used high-angled camera shots, which were filmed from the shrubs and trees. We felt that using our location in this way would also help to maximise the fear factor in our film. Our other social group was teenagers. Teenagers are often portrayed to be trouble makers, who go in search of trouble. To represent our teenagers, we had them wear civilian clothing to show they were the victims. In our plot, we had them exploring a burnt-out warehouse which they knew was once the location where two children died. This is the convergence in our film to the stereotype. In our film, we represented them as typical teenagers who were looking for trouble.
6. One of the films we looked at in the initial canvasing of genres was the wickerman. I researched The Wickerman on http://www.imdb.com/ and found it was a british horror film filmed in 1973, and was filmed by British Lion Film Corporation. If our film was an actual film release i believe we would use a company like British Lion, because they are British and distribute alot of British Films through their distribution wing and they have also worked with the likes of Channel 4 Television Coroporation. I feel this sort of exposure would be good for our film. I think our film follows the conventions of a british ghost film, mainly through the location and actors. I think this is how it relates to British films in terms of production.
9. After the departure of one of our group members, i feel myself and Andrew have worked and will continue to work very well together. Myself and andrew have identifyed eachothers strengths well and therefore assign task evenly but also to the best person for the job. In filming, we found i was more suited to the actual filming of the film, whilst andrew was mroe creative with the directing role. However, i still contributed ideas to make the film better. I would say that both members of the group have contributed alot to our film and although Andrew and our previous group member were responsible for alot but not all of the key ideas and plot of the film, i have contributed alot towards the production of the film, as i produced our shot list, sourced our actors, and shot our intial filmshoot. I also did the editing of our inital shoot with help from Andrew.