Title - Buried Little Treasures
Location - Abandoned storage facility.
Theme - Many years ago, a fire happened in the warehouse, now haunted.
Characters - little children (voice overs)
1/2 teenage boys
Plot -
the beginning of the film will be introduced by the title of the film enrolling onto the screen (in a creepy effect)
The beginning of the film: we begin with a long shot of the warehouse lasting about 4-5 seconds to create the atmosphere for the film and create a location for the viewers to visualize. To follow, we will have a couple of rapid close ups and low angled shots of fire and voice over of young children screaming and being in danger located in the abandoned warehouse. we will also have the voice overs of the nursery rhyme "ring 'a' roses" which should last approximately the majority of the film.
As the film proceeds, we flow onto clips of burning and fire, along with the children screaming over the top of the clip.
We are then bought into current time where one of the boys tell the other a myth of the children who haunt the warehouse, we hear a loud crash from somewhere in the warehouse to create an airy feeling. Later on in the day the other boy who was told of the myth and warned not to go near the warehouse ignores the warnings and goes on instinct to explore the building further. We see him just about to enter the warehouse, voices of children are heard in the background slightly distorted and quiet , creating a higher level of tension and atmosphere. The film then ends when the teenage boy screams in terror and we hear the "little treasures" behave in a malicious manor giggling that they have caught their next victim.